Terms and conditions

Terms And Conditions Of Use Of Platform "FoodZone."

These Terms and Conditions of use (hereinafter the "Terms" and / or "Conditions", if applicable) regulate the access or use that you make, as a person, through the virtual platform FoodZone, composed of an application for mobile devices and a web page (hereinafter "the service" or "services"), made available by FOODZONE LLC.

By accepting these terms and conditions, the access and use of the Services is regulated and they are the ones that establish a contractual relationship between you and FOODZONE LLC. If you do not accept these Terms and Conditions, you will not be able to access or use the Services. These Terms and Conditions expressly replace the previous agreements or commitments entered into between the parties. FOODZONE LLC, may immediately terminate these Terms and Conditions or any of the Services with respect to you or, in general, stop offering or denying access to the Services or any part of them, at any time and for any reason of one-sided way.
Supplemental terms may apply to certain Services, such as policies for a particular event, activity or promotion, and such supplemental terms will be communicated to you in connection with the applicable Services. Supplemental conditions are set forth in addition to, and shall be deemed a part of, the Terms and Conditions for the purposes of the applicable Services.
The supplementary conditions will prevail over the Conditions in the event of a conflict with respect to the applicable Services. FOODZONE LLC, may modify the Terms and Conditions relating to the Services when it deems it appropriate. The modifications will be effective after the publication by FOODZONE LLC, of said updated Terms and Conditions in this location or the modified policies or supplementary conditions on the applicable Service. Your continued access or use of the Services after such publication constitutes your consent to be bound by the Terms and Conditions and their modifications.

The collection and use that FOODZONE LLC makes of personal information in relation to the Services is carried out in accordance with the Privacy Policy of FOODZONE LLC, available at https://foodzone.com/terms-conditions FOODZONE LLC, may facilitate to a claims processor any necessary information (including your contact information) if there are complaints, disputes or conflicts, which could include a breach of contract, involving you and a third party and such information or such data is necessary to resolve the complaint, the dispute or conflict.

Cookies: Strings of text sent virtually that are stored by the use of the Platform by the Operator, to consult the activities and preferences of the users. Electronic Commerce: Includes the sending, transmission, reception, storage of data messages electronically.
Broker: Natural person who agrees to carry out the management of the order requested by the Consumer through the Platform. The Commissioner acknowledges that it provides the Service at its own risk and expense and releases the Consumer from any liability that may arise during the provision of the service.
Consumer (s): Whoever accesses and / or uses the Platform to request through it a remunerated mandate, whose commission consists of the conclusion of a sale contract or any other type of lawful contract , in order to acquire goods or services. Paid mandate contract concluded by electronic means: That agreement of wills entered into between the Consumer and the Commissioner, by means of which the Consumer requests, through the Platform, the management of a commission from the Commissioner, the latter being obliged to comply with said commission for the account and risk of the Consumer, in exchange for receiving remuneration as consideration.
Personal Data: It is all information that allows to identify or make identifiable a natural and / or legal person. Interaction on the Platform: Faculty of Consumers to know the products displayed by the Operator, as well as the advertising made available on the Platform. Of legal age: Natural person over eighteen (18) years old. Data Messages: The information generated, sent, received, stored or communicated by electronic, optical or similar means, such as, among others, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Internet, email.
Operator: In charge of operationally and functionally managing the Platform represented for the purposes of these Terms and Conditions by FOODZONE LLC or by the natural or legal person that it designates.
Payment Gateway: Service that allows Consumers to make payments directly to Brokers through electronic means using technological platforms (software). Platform: Web and mobile application managed by the Operator that allows Consumers and Brokers to participate in a market so that through mandate contracts the Consumer requests the management of an order.
Advertising: It is any form of communication carried out by the Operator, in order to provide information about products, commercial activities and communicate advertising or marketing strategies or campaigns, own or of third parties; made as a reference mechanism and not as a public offer. Product (s): Exclusively those consumer good (s) exhibited through the Platform.
Pop-Ups: Internet window or notice that emerges automatically at any time when the Platform is used, especially used for the formalization of the mandate contract concluded by electronic means between Consumers and Commissioners.

These Terms and Conditions regulate the authorization of use granted by the Operator to Consumers, so that they enter the virtual Platform, are informed about the displayed consumer Products so that they can be used as a reference and can request the management of an order by through a mandate contract with the Commissioner.
The Operator, through the Platform, carries out, in a limited way, the following actions: it exhibits different consumer products in an advertising way so that they can serve as a reference to Consumers; facilitates the meeting between Consumers and Commissioners for the realization of the contractual relationship; allows the use of the Payment Gateway, without implying any link with the Operator in this process, since due to the technology implemented, the payment is made directly to the Commissioners; serves as a means of sending communications between Consumers and Commissioners.
The conclusion of the contractual relationship between Consumers and Commissioner, occurs with Consumers who are in the national territory or who, being abroad, request the management of an order, which must be carried out in Mexican territory, paying an economic consideration through the electronic payment system through the Payment Gateway contracted by the Operator or in cash at the time of receipt of the Products, at the Consumer's choice.
Through the Platform, Products are exhibited, whose purchase management is entrusted by Consumers to Commissioners, being that the former seek to satisfy a private, personal or family need, and at no time do they intend the commercialization, resale or any other type of commercial transaction or interest in the products purchased.

The Operator may freely modify and at any time in formal, procedural or substantial aspects these Terms and Conditions of use of the Platform, which will be updated and made available to Consumers on the Platform, the latest version published being the one that will regulate immediately the commercial relationships that are generated at the time of the transaction. Likewise, it has full autonomy to modify the uses of the Platform allowed to Consumers, with the sole duty of informing it by a virtual means that allows its publication and communication to the general public.

Subject to compliance with these Terms and Conditions, FOODZONE LLC, grants Consumers a limited, non-exclusive, revocable, non-transferable authorization for: accessing and using the Applications on the Consumer's personal device only in connection with their use of services; and the access and use of any content, information and related material that may be made available through the Services, in each case only for your personal, non-commercial use. FOODZONE LLC, and its licensors reserve any rights that have not been expressly granted by these Terms and Conditions.

The Consumer acknowledges and agrees to use the Platform as a means of meeting with Commissioners to request orders and thus achieve the acquisition of Products for final consumption and the satisfaction of their needs, subject to Mexican commercial regulations.
The use of the Platform is carried out by the Consumer as a capable person and of legal age, and stating that, for the conclusion of the Mandate contract with the Commissioners, he has full legal capacity to be subject of rights and obligations, qualities that endorse at the time to generate your record.
The Consumer expressly acknowledges by accepting these Terms and Conditions of use of the Platform that FOODZONE LLC will not be responsible at any time for any product that Consumers require and acquire through the Platform. Likewise, FOODZONE LLC will not be able to observe and verify the correct functioning of the Platform in relation to any other product other than those displayed on the Platform.

The Commissioners, having the capacity to contract, access the Platform and agree to carry out the management of the orders requested by the Consumers, it being understood that said acceptance is merely voluntary.
The completion of the mandate contract concluded by electronic means occurs at the moment in which the Commissioner accepts the management of the order requested by the Consumer. It is clarified that the Commissioner can only accept the order, once the Consumer has selected the means of payment. Therefore, once the steps of the purchase process have been verified, the Commissioner, through the Operator, can fully or partially accept the management of the order requested by the Consumer. In case of accepting the order only partially, the summary will be updated showing the Products on which the order is effectively understood to have been constituted.

Consumers use the Products that are displayed on the Platform as a reference for their purchase, having as an indispensable condition the creation of a user account (hereinafter the "User Account"), where data such as name, date of birth will be requested, phone, address, zip code, email address; This information is used for the full identification of the Consumers who intend to acquire the Products, for the fulfillment of the Sale, for the prevention of fraud, to link the Consumer with the Commissioner and in general for the purposes defined in the chapter corresponding to Management of information.
Consumers, if they have accounts on Facebook and Google social networks, may create their User Account with the use of the credentials defined there, for which the Platform will communicate this option.
Once the information necessary for the use of the Platform has been provided, the Username and password to access and / or use the Platform will be validated by the Operator.
Consumers may, in addition to the mandatory and optional information required at the time of account creation, voluntarily provide more data related to their individualization at the time they create their own profile within the Platform.
The use of the User Account is personal and non-transferable, for which Consumers are not authorized to transfer the validation data for access to the Platform. In case of forgetting the validation data or of usurpation of these, it is the Consumer's obligation to inform the Operator through the option "forgot your password" or through a communication sent to the email: contacto@foodzone.com
User accounts will be managed by the Operator at the discretion of him or by the person designated by him, having full power to keep the account or not, when the information provided by Consumers is not true, complete or secure; or when breach of the obligations of consumers are present. At no time will the Operator request the Consumer information that is NOT necessary for their relationship with the Commissioner and for the facilitation of payment, so the debit or credit card data will only be requested at the time of making the virtual payment if so Determined by the Consumer, these data will not be stored by the Operator, they will be registered directly in the corresponding Payment Gateway, and will be used directly by the Consumer in it, where the security and privacy conditions in which it is carried out will be informed.

By creating the User Account, Consumers are expressing their will to expressly and unequivocally accept these Terms and Conditions of use of the Platform.
At the time of acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, the Consumer expressly authorized

By accepting these Terms and Conditions of use of the Platform, the Consumer undertakes to: Provide truthful and reliable information when creating their own User Account; Refrain from transferring validation data (username and password) to third parties; Refrain from accessing and / or using the Platform to carry out acts contrary to morality, public order, good customs or illegal acts or acts against the Operator, Commissioners or third parties; Timely pay the Commissioner the economic consideration defined in the purchase process; Immediately inform the Operator in case of forgetting or usurpation of the validation data; Refrain from engaging in conduct that is detrimental to the operation of the Platform; Refrain from requiring the Commissioners any other product whose commercialization, sale or distribution by telephone, mail, internet or any other means of communication is prohibited by the applicable legislation; Refrain from impersonating other Consumers; Refrain from deciphering, decompiling or disassembling, appropriating any element of the Platform or any of its parts; Enable the use of pop-up windows during the operation of the Platform; In general, all those behaviors necessary for the execution of the legal business, such as receiving the requested products, displaying the identification in case of purchase of restricted-use products, verifying at the time of validation that the selected Products do correspond to those in need. , learn about the instructions for use and consumption of the Products, pay the price to the Commissioner; To remove FOODZONE LLC in peace and out of any claim of a legal nature against it and to personally assume, but not limited to, the consequences relating to legality, quality, image, presentation, size, color, price, etc., of those product (s) other than the Product (s) displayed on the Platform and that are required by Consumers through the Platform. If you require an invoice, you must inform the Commissioner to provide you with the invoice for the cost of the service (s) provided. If you require an invoice for the Product (s) you purchased, you must inform the email info@foodzone.com so that you can be provided with the purchase ticket data and you can obtain the invoice from the commercial establishment from which you purchased the product (s) ( s), having to verify and be subject to the billing requirements imposed by the commercial establishment.

By virtue of these Terms and Conditions of use, the Operator undertakes to supply certain, reliable, sufficient, clear and updated information regarding the Products it exhibits; Indicate the general characteristics of the Product (s) to serve as a reference to Consumers, for this purpose they are brand and presentation; Inform sufficiently about the means enabled for Consumers to make the payment; Inform at the indicated time and with sufficiency the data of the Commissioners with whom the Consumers have to enter into the mandate contract; Send to the email provided by the Consumer proof of the requested order; Make the Terms and Conditions of use of the Platform available to Consumers in an updated way; Use the information only for the purposes established in these Terms; Use information and validation mechanisms during the transaction such as pop-ups (Pop Ups), which allow the Consumer to accept or not accept each step of the purchase process.

The Platform, the Operator may make commercial and advertising information available to Consumers, its own or that of third parties in accordance with good commercial customs. In these cases, the Operator does not endorse, guarantee or compromise its responsibility for the services and / or products that are marketed by these third parties, since the Platform serves as a communication and advertising channel, but not as a service provision tool; Consequently, it is the Consumers' total responsibility to access the sites that the advertising sends, assuming the obligation to verify and know the terms of the services offered by third parties. All the information made available on the Platform such as images, advertising, names, brands, slogans and other elements of intellectual property; they are legitimately used by the Operator either because they are their property, because they have authorization to make them available or because they are empowered by current applicable legislation. ELECTRONIC COMMERCE: In compliance with the Mexican provisions on data messages according to the Federal Civil Code, it is communicated that Mexican legislation recognizes the validity of messages by electronic means and therefore they acquire a probative character and entity. Consequently, Consumers understand that, through the exchange of messages by electronic means, the Consumer and Commissioners can give rise to the birth, modification and termination of obligations, the content, consequences, responsibilities and effects of the information generated.

The commercial transaction that is born by this means between Consumers and Commissioners, is the celebration of a mandate contract by electronic means, which is described in the pop-up window that the Consumer accepts at the time of the conclusion of the legal business. At no time is any different contractual relationship such as supply, distribution or other similar configured.

The Consumer expressly states that they have the legal capacity to use the Platform and to enter into the mandate contracts that may be generated with the Brokers. Likewise, he claims to have provided real, truthful and reliable information. Therefore, you expressly and unequivocally declare that you have read, that you understand and that you accept all of the assumptions provided for and regulated in this document of Terms and Conditions of use of the Platform, for which you undertake to fully comply with the duties, obligations, actions and omissions expressed herein. In the event that Consumers from other countries use the Platform, they are fully subject to the provisions of these Terms and Conditions of use of the Platform.

For matters not provided for in these Terms and Conditions, Consumers and Commissioners agree to submit to the applicable laws of Mexico City, Federal District. For the interpretation and execution of these Terms and Conditions, the Consumer agrees to submit to the jurisdiction and competence of the competent courts of the City of Puebla, expressly waiving the jurisdiction that may correspond to him by reason of his present or future domicile, acknowledging that his Solution, where appropriate, must be done through commercial channels, applying the Commercial Code and additionally the Federal Civil Code.

Foodzone is an app that allows your consumers to place their orders easily, simply and with just one click they can place their orders, pay online, invoice and much more without leaving the app!

Foodzone is an app designed for establishments of the Food and Beverage Industry, the Hotel Industry and the Entertainment Industry

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